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Answers with Tag: Haidh

What colour discharge is regarded as haidh?

What colour should one consider for haidh to start?

Is greenish discharge considered haidh?

How often should one check if haidh is over?

Spotting before the 15th day of tuhr

Woman getting haidh before the fast of Aashuraa

Spotting towards the end of haidh

Fulfilling the rituals of hajj while in the state of haidh

Can Women Read Manzil During Haidh?

Understanding Yellow Discharge During Menstruation

Woman in haidh bleeding more than 10 days

Ghusal on the 10th day after haidh

Cutting nails and hair in the state of haidh

Sexual relations while one’s wife is in the state of haidh

Making wudhu in the state of haidh