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Answers with Tag: guardian

Parents or Husband

Observing Hijaab from Step Daughter

Not in touch with father is his consent still required

Marrying with Fathers approval

Marrying a pious person

If a man and a woman get married without the consent of their parent’s the nikkah is valid according to Imam Abu Hanifah. Now my question is what is Sahibains view. I heard that permission is a must according to them? In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Marriage to aunt

My brother in law is troubling my sister very much, even though he is deendar and went in jamat many times Allahudullilah. Every time he is quarrelling with my sister, I don’t know what happens to him.  Not going properly to market.  Please do dua for him and tell some ayat us to study. for happiness in their life. Jazakallah In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

Kafaah in Marriage

Is Janazah Salah repeated if body is transferred to another country ?

Father gives mahr on behalf of son

Do I need to repeat the aqiqah in the following situation

Divorcee marring without parents knowledge

Aqiqah for illegitimate child

Angels entering where there are pictures