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Answers with Tag: Government

Can government scholarships be based on merit?

What is the government’s role in using Muslim graveyard land?

Can NGO members receive wages or profits from govt schemes or foreign funds?

Is Rs. 600/- paid as income tax counted as zakah?

Can I use interest money to pay interest on bank loans from fixed deposits?

To appoint someone in place of oneself for a government job?

How should I distribute the inheritance of my late husband according to Shariah?

Can I use bank interest to pay income tax?

Can I use Indian bank interest to pay taxes imposed by Indian govt. while paying zakah?

How can we help reunite my sister and her husband after a year of living separately?

How will the property be divided among the family members?

Can I use my 15,140 Rs EPF, including govt. interest?

Is it possible to perform Haj without official permission (Tasreeh) from the government?

Do Husband’s Jewelry and Income Matter to Wife?

Is zakah due on the 4.5 lakhs in cash that my mother has?