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Answers with Tag: gold

Is it true that beef is harmful and cow milk a source of cure?

Investing in Gold

Discharge of Zakāt

Is Hajj compulsory or Fardh for a woman who has such an amount of gold that Zakaat becomes Fardh upon her and she can cover Hajj expenses?

Can you guide me about Zakat? I mean we have to pay Zakat after completion of one year. What are the assets on which we have t o pay Zakat? What is basic rule for the payment of Zakat?

Zakah on partnership

Paying zakaat on money earned at a temporary job

Nisaab on value of silver

Men wearing jewelery

Is it halal for me to use gold gifted by my mother who did not regularly pay Zakah on it due to ignorance?

Is buying gold through this investment scheme halal?

Can we gift gold from SBI savings interest to Uncle’s daughter?

Is investing with Star Capital Finance Ltd. Shariah compliant?

Does Shariah allow my brother to take gold ornaments without my father’s permission?

Is zakat required to be paid on gold purchased as savings during a recession?