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Answers with Tag: forty days

How can I best approach the person who is not giving me my money back?

Can sifli ilm be treated with 3 river water and goat parts?

Can we stop mother milk and go in jamat for 40 days?

Is there a ruling prohibiting shaving of hairs of private or underarms for men?

Is it obligatory or sunnat for a woman to stay indoors for 40 days after childbirth?

Will shaving my pubic hair affect my prayers?

Is it permissible to look at the face of a non-Mahram in Islam?

Is there a dua or wazifa to bring wife home without force-feeding her or controlling her?

Can you suggest a wazifa to cure my skin disease?

My neck pain – is it due to a jinn?

Do I need to pray for the remaining 25 days after my menstrual period ended?

Is there a way to satisfy my needs without intercourse before the baby is born?

Can I go through a surgery to have a child after being married for 4 5 years?

Please solve my all problems and send me all 3 above wazeefas.

Can a wazifah help Mr Arshad get his money back?