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Answers with Tag: Fasting

Fanaticizing about wife is permitted in Islam or not, please try to answer this question as I don’t want to commit sin and invite the wrath of Allah SWT .

 1)      My sister asked me is yoga permissible in Islam? 2)      Do dreams before fajar mean anything and if the same dream is repeated twice does that mean that it would come true if the dream happen 3 times?  3)     Finally can I give reward to another person? for example when I pray yarseen I give that reward to another person.

I would like to know if organ transplants are permissible?

1)Your fatwa [no. 13659] suggests that Meelad had justification under certain circumstances. Yet, in a recent fatwa you have quoted….2)Did the Prophet [saw] fast on a Monday because it was the day of his birth?

Please advise on the correct way of making fatheha. are we allowed to place food (niaz) in front while making fatheha and then blowing onto the niaz.

Is fasting on Monday and Thursday Sunnah?….How long can a muslim man stay away from his wife?

I fasted on Aashoora’, but forgot during a moment of lunchtime rush – and ate a sandwich. Besides the lapse in memory, I had made my fasting intention and fasted all that day.

In this month off muharrum in india there is a practice where thy keep some hand shapes and finger shape thing which will be kept for 10 days starting from day one, on 10th day those shapes will be taken out …

My parents refuse to look for a husband for me. they are old and sick. they think it is too late, even though i am only in my middle 30’s. In my father’s culture, the parents have to wait for the boys parents to express interest. …

I had a meeting setup with a staff member to discuss performance over the last year. This meeting was scheduled to end at 12:00pm but as there were problems that came out during the discussion, the meeting ended at 13:30. I thus missed my Jummah salaah because of this….

To gain the reward of fasting in the month of Shawwaal (6roza’s) it has to be followed by the Roza’s of Ramadhaan (entire month). what is the Mas’ala regarding females that are unable to keep Roza…

In what category does marriage fall into for a person who despite fasting still has strong desires? What should he do if a suitable partner is not found as yet?

Is there a hadith that states, “if you eat haram then your whole body will tend to do wrong , or lean towards doing wrong?

With regards to clapping would you kindly consider a context of people gathered for Eid-ul-fitr salat busy raising the takbeer…

I would like to know what is the islamic significance of celebrating the 1st 10 days of Muharram,