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Answers with Tag: Fast

I asked my Gynae if I could fast and he said no. I feel a bit guilty about this, each time I ask my husband if I should fast alternative , he also wont allow me to.

I like to know its necessary to take a janabat bath after sexual contact during ramadan months before subahi azaan

While fasting is it possible to kiss my wife ?…Our Nabi (Sal) House is so small. As I have heard so .. then where didi the childrens , Zaianb (rAd) Rukaiya (Ral) ,Fatima (Ral)?

Does the Fast break by water in ears, forgetting niyah or swollowing phlegm

Is the use of surma in ramadhaan permissable?

You mentioned about Tahneek. Should it be given on seventh day or first thing in the mouth of the baby after birth? Second what should be given as Tahneek? (like dates). Is there any sunnah for what sweet.

Suppose I masturbate or had sex with wife during the night time in Ramsan. Do I need to have bath before subhi(dawn)?..If i enter to fasting without taking a bath wheather that fasting is valid?

Fasting more than 30 days due to Travelling.

Are BOth ways of dealing are correct?…What is the authenticity of FAST in Sha’aban

I am a muslimah who has had a sexual relationship outside of marriage….I have reformed myself, ended the sexual relationship, and I am very repentant and remorseful….Should I completely cut ties with him or is it better that we marry each other…

Is it permissable to go to a gynae while fasting?…

Niyaaz of imaan jafer siqqidue and injection in Fast

These days it is also difficult to find a work. This year in Ramadan , I will be on work. The conditions are a little hard for me to keep the ‘fasting’. In such case can I go for ‘ Kaffarah ‘ and keep abstain from fasting?

Is there any kuffara or this kind of QASAM which i take in anger?

Is a Roza ( fast) is nullified (break) if a boy deliberately discharges his sperms with his hands with shahwat during fasting. If Roza is nullified then what is the Kaffara ? is it 60 day consecutive fasting ?