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Answers with Tag: fardh

Can one praying fardh salah alone join congregation anytime, even as a musafir?

How can one perform wudhu in situations where there is no water available?

Wudhu for istihazah prayers?

Can I pray full or qasr salah at Chacha/Mama’s, son’s rented home, or friend’s home with facilities while traveling 300 km?

Do I need to make qaza of all my salah if I used a kufr word?

Basically I am from Allahabad, but sometimes for some work I go to New Delhi for 3 to 4 days, there I offer qasr. So is it ok as per sunnah to offer qasr salah. Please reply me in light of sunnah.

Can I touch a Shafi’i’s shoulders to lead Hanafi prayer?

Reading Qur’an mentally due to mistakes while reading aloud

How many times can you redo Salatul Istikhara?

Praying Salah With Shoes On

My Daughter Hates Hijab, What Can I do?

What are the Fardh and Sunnah of Ghusl?

How would the Mazoor complete the wudhu?

Moving to Different Positions after Fardh Salah

What are the Methods to Send Ithaalul Thawaab to the Deceased?