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Answers with Tag: eyebrows

Removing stray hair from face

Plucking between joined eyebrows

Eyebrows & Hair Removal

Salaam, I have been plucking my eyebrows since i was 13, not completley, but just shaping, I know and realise that it is haram, as I have been doing it for over 10 years now, I only get a few hairs growing on the top of my eyebrow but they come out thick and are noticible. I am married and want to remain beautiful for my husband but at the same time I do not want to be among the cursed, what can I do? In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Do not have money to remove the tattoo

Can men pluck their eyebrows like women

Can I bleach under the eyebrows?

Is it allowed to drink beer without alcohol?

Out of ignorance i used to pluck my eye brows. i did it for a long time and then i heard the hadith of nabi saw. now i cant stop doing it coz it looks terrible.

Can a boy trim his bushy eyebrows using Laser Hair removal?

Could u please quote the hadith that you are referring to word for word and provide the reference for it?

I want your advise that whether i could cut hair above my nose or not

What is the age of girls when they r allowed to take there hair off from there upper lips,middle eyebrows,lags,and arms.

I was wondering if females were allowed to shave on their bodies at all.

Removing of hair from different parts of body for females if their husbands want.