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Answers with Tag: estate

Islamic Financial Products

Is foster care of children allowed in Islam? What is the proper method of adoption?

1) If one passes wind whilst making ghusl, does he have to start the ghusl all over again 3) Is it better to perform your qadha salaats instead of performing nafl salaats

Kindly advise me the complete procedure to start reading my umrikazaa(Missed Salaat)from start to finish,also advise the niyaat required and any info to benefit me

Someone died leaving 3 daughters and 1 son..the deceased had 4 appartments…he gave one to each son/daughter, can this be done? or daughters will only get half of what the sons get?

I wish to read Qazaa salaat. When are the suitable times for reading Qazaa?

1. What is the age that salaat becomes fard. 2. I am 30 yrs old and have missed most of my salaat. How can I make up for it

I wish to perform my Qada (missed Salaat). Is it permissable to skip the present Sunnah Maukidah salaats to give more time to the Fard missed salaat?

Please list all the sunnah and fard of every salah so that I can only do the fard while making up for 6 years of qada salaat

How my shares are to be distributed to my family members upon my death. Based on the scenarios below :-My death ie. Husband. I have a father, wife, son and two daughters. Also brothers and sisters.

Please answer the following.

Please give me the details and rulings of perfroming qada prayers of the past which i have missed at the time of ignorance?

Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti Saheb,Why is donating one’s organs after death forbidden?

Divorce in anger, and 3 talaaq in one sitting valid?

Business liquidating but still has debts