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Answers with Tag: estate

A Bequest that Violates the Rules of Sharia mustn’t be Executed

It isn`t Permissible for the Heirs of Seller to Object to the Sale after his Passing away

A Bequest to a Non-Muslim is Allowable

Paternal Cousin is more Entitled to Inheritance than Daughter`s Son

What is meant by the mandated will?

Sons of Full Brothers Inherit by Ta`seeb

Ruling on Holding Shares in a Company that Deals with Riba-Based Banks

“You and your Wealth Belong to your Father” What does it Mean?

The Trust was Stolen and its Owner Passed Away

Violations of Sharia during Condolence Ceremony

Wife Died before Performing Hajj although she was Planning to do so and Cover the Expenses from her Wealth

Should she Give the House back to her Mother although Afraid of Brothers` Injustice upon Division of Estate?

Ruling on Authorizing Someone to Perform Hajj on Behalf of Another

Is it Permissible for a Wife to Cover her Hajj Expenses from Husband`s Estate before its Division?

Everything a Deceased Person Leaves Behind is to be Divided between his/her Heirs