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Answers with Tag: erection

Carrying someone on one’s shoulders

Punishment for committing zina

Going for Hajj and have a few question

Can Father-Son Erections be Considered Hurmut Musahara?

Does the Father in law have to marry the daughter in law after Hurmat Musaaharah?

If a man unintentionally touches his daughter does Hurmat Musaaharah take place

If a father kisses his son with lust, what is the ruling

Father kissing and touching his baby daughter with lust

Evil thoughts about my mother when I am near her

Mani, mazi, and wadi.

Hurmate musaharah

Hurmah al-musharah

How do I differentiate mani, mazi, and wadi from one another?

What is mani, wadi and mazi?

Fluid releasing upon seeing wife