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Answers with Tag: Dua

What if I were to die then what would happen if I am not able to completely cover all my previous prayers? Will I be punished in hell?

If we divorce, is she entitled to a portion of the property? If so, and we split the profits, could I claim back my fees that I’ve paid thus far?…What steps do I need to take?

Will Allah Talha forgive me for this sin? I have asked another Imam/Sheikh and been told yes Allah will forgive me. Can you please provide some evidence…

S saying “aameen” when the imaam completes Surah Al-Fatiha proof for “making dua collectively”?………

Is yeast halaal to consume in food…we raise our hand in Duaa and make dua of magfirah for the deceased, some people say this is biddah?…if we buy some haraam food by mistake are we allowed to give it to non-muslims?

It was said that one of the sahabies did not get their menses? and is there any wazeefa to read to stop excessive bleeding (menses)

What is the Sunnah way of moving into a new home for the first time?..A learned friend of mine said that some Ulema is of the oppinion that it is not sinfull to with-hold some of your income ?…Is coppying software and cd’s which are coppyrighted a major sin (tantamount to stealing)?

Should I divorce her or should I stay married to her for fear of her influencing the girls from being good muslims. My married to this woman is a western type of marriage. Please help.

My husband has bought a drinking bar also has women entertainment there. I am very against it but he sees nothing wrong with it because he states he making very good money…

If a person joins zuhr salat in the second rakat, then what is the correct way of performing the salat…Also, when we sit in attahiyat position What is the correct way to raise my finger ?

Can you give advice and any type of dua or surah that some may read for this….Is it permissible to write creative stories for children?

There is a beautiful building built; the trustees call it a jamaat khana, however Jumuah salaah takes place here. What is the difference between a Musjid and a Jamaat Khana?

My question is about praying at a girls grave(regardless of any relationship).

1. Salam  my husbands 18 year old nephew lives in my home with me 32 years old my 3 kids underage 8 and my husband. my husband leaves his nephew home alone with me and my kids throught half the night when he is out visiting friends. his nephew is at home alone with me at times when im home with my 4 year old daughter too it this jaiz? 2. my husband also insists on letting his nephew freely enter my bedroom when i has asked to keep my bedroom private and to not allow him in is this ok? 3. my husband often urinates in the bath before he baths what is the islamic presective on this? 4. I have told my husband that i can not be on his nephews beck and call but i have been told that i need to cook and clean for him wash his clothes and undergarments – if i dont have his food ready for a certain time of the day he has told me im free to take my kids and leave because his nephew is his main responsibility 5. my husband when angery does not try to clam his anger down what can i read on him when in a rage. i try to give him water etc to drink but he deliberately wont take it cause he doesnt want his anger to go he breaks things and screams and shouts and also gets violent please help what should i read  jazak Allah khair

The concept of Wasaila..Intercession and meaning for this duaa