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Answers with Tag: Discharge

Haiz and Paaki

Business Transactions – Money Owed Between Two Companies

Yellow Discharge

How Should I Calculate My Zakat for the First Time?

Utilization of Sadaqah and Zakat

Wudhu for Disabled

Are good deeds useless without hijrah and jihad?

Explanation of part of a Hadith on Zakah

A few questions that a group of Jews posed to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)

I gave money as a loan, can I regard that as my zakat?

I do not know my zakat date, what should I do?

Does the husband`s money belong to his wife and vice versa?

A revert confused with several sects in Islam

Does white vaginal discharge invalidate the ablution or not?

What is the ruling of salah for a woman who experiences vaginal discharge?