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Answers with Tag: Dhikr

Is it permissible to cut the hair and dye for beauty. As our beauty only for our husband. Wear ladies pant, ladies shirt?

Is it bidah to do zikir in sajda after one has completed his/her salat?

Are we allowed to do tilawatul Qur’aan reading of the Qur’aan or Zikr at Zawwal time and Maghrib Time?

At what point should a question being asked by a curious non-believer or a new Muslim be refered to an Alim.

In fatwa no. 5572, you said that it was permissible for an Islamic group to restrict themselves to a few aspects of Islam, as long as they believed that this was a “stepping stone”.

Is it permissible to recite kalma , Qurani ayats, duas when partially naked ( wearing shorts)?

The Holy Qur’an and many ahadith clearly state that we must enjoin the good and forbid the evil if we are to be of those who believe. Please comment on the following opinion:

People (including the imam) are not happy with me as I don’t say salam to everyone when I enter…

Sometimes in my daily life I see things that I’m very sure I have seen before. I don’t mean objects, but actions .

What is adab-e-gasht?what should we talk while giving adab-e-gasht?please reply in details?what are the adabs?

There are some mosques which only make 1 Azan and then start the Friday khutba. This means that they do not make the 1st Azan

I need to know whether we should boycott Denmark’s products like Nido Milk Powder, Anchor Milk Powder and Lurpark Cheese,

How should we react to the cartoon that that has been made of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? What is the sunnah way of acting in this situation?

I suffer badly from “wiswas”. i need some advice very badly on passing wind and regarding mazi and mani

It has been observed that lobaan is frequently burnt on thursdays and children are held over the smoke of lobaan when newly born