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Answers with Tag: Devil

If a man had Anal Sex with her wife so what is the order for them now?

If one merely touched his mother in law with lust (my hand may have touched her hand or her hand may have touched mine and experienced an erection), does nikah with her daughter become haram?

At bedtime what should parents read for their children?

What does Islam say about a Muslim converting to another religion?

Does thinking of Prophet Mohammed during namaz break it?

Will my prayers count if I hear swears in my head during wudhu and mosque visits?

What is the extent of shaytaan’s influence and what causes human sin during Ramadan?

Meaning of dreams with devil and friend’s death?

Is it permissible to take a loan for business investment in difficult circumstances?

Is it permissible for a woman to pierce her belly button and will the piercer be sinning?

How can I trust my husband after he was chatting with another girl before our marriage?

Jinns: population, status, mosques, messengers, control, witches, possession, visibility?

Jinn attack during Ramadan, seeking advice on how to permanently get rid of them.

How can I concentrate fully during Salah?

Seeking Black Magic Cure from a Hindu Guru