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Answers with Tag: court

Human Rights between Islam and the West

I want to know that what are the rights of inlaws on a woman in Islam.How should she behave if they treat her badly.

A woman is granted a divorce in U.S court. Since the judge was not a Muslim man, is she divorced in the eyes of Allah?

Iam married since 4yr,i got 2 talaq, But after both talaq within 5 min he said sorry and we had relation

How do you know if you’re a true Believer or not?

Can you tell me about heaven?

I need your help as per sharia. i want to broke the relation with my own big brother…he killed a man who was having 3 children with the help of killed person’s wife

How should family members treat a sister who married a non-muslim and no longer practices Islam?

Very bad opinion about tablighi …If one books (fadhail-e-amal) is stopping people from doing tabligh then maybe the ulama should not use this book in talim and use a book everyone can agree with

Can you tell what we are supposed to have been taught about the Sharia. I have so far been on jamaat for 40 days and 3 days a few times…

Does the dissolution of marriage at an American Court effect the Nikah? If so how?

Is share-trading on stock exchange allowed in Islam ?

What should we follow if we find an authentic hadith contradicting teaching of one of the four respected Imams?

You see what is happening in the world today – in the muslim world, so what advice would you give to the Muslims?

Is it permissible to buy share on the stock market?