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Answers with Tag: congregational prayer

Why don’t Hanafis say ‘Ameen’ out loud? 

The Sunna Status of Collective Supplication

What does one do if one is performing the sunna prayers and the iqama is called?

The call to commence (iqama)

Do I have to Make-Up Prayers because of not distinguishing between individual and group prayer?

No compromise for obligatory prayers even at work

Sunnah prayer in congregation before the imam?

Salah – joining late 

Feet to Feet, Toe to Toe  

Praying in congregation with one’s wife?

Do we say anything during Zuhr, and Asr congregational prayer?

Missing Jumu’a Because Of Teaching Duties

Women leading one another in congregational prayer

Delaying ‘Asr for Congregational Prayer

Barrier between the Imam and Follower