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Answers with Tag: child

Having relations with one’s pregnant spouse

Salaah with Jamaa’ah at home during COVID-19

Aqeeqah at a later Age

Is contraception permissible in Islam?

Is Qurbani necessary for a young teenager with a Child Trust Fund but no other funds?

Is Zakat Due on Child Trust Funds?

How do I control my gaze in a temptatious environment?

Can money be given in charity as Aqiqah instead of sacrificing an animal?

Can I marry my cousin if there is doubt that I was breastfed by her mother?

What is the penalty for carrying a baby with a dirty nappy in Tawaf?

What is the ruling of distributing one’s wealth during one’s lifetime?

Zakat FAQs

Fasting FAQs

Is zakat compulsory on child benefit payments and who is the owner of child benefit payments?

Can child benefit payments be spent for other than one’s children?