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Answers with Tag: camel

Is it true that all the prophets are desendents from each other. Adam>Idris>Noah>Hud>Salih>Ibrahim>Ismael..>Mohamed pbuh all of them? how many prophets were they in total? somone told me it was 124,000. Allah A3lam

My Haj will be Hajj e Tamattu — Either at Makkah Mukarma I would be MUQEEM or MUSAFIR ?

Could you tell me what the prophet said in his last sermon in great detail

I am a Muslim doctor who is constantly asked about health care and the fees related thereto. Often I am

Can you please mention a hadith or quranic verse specifying that non-zabeeha meat is haram ?

One group of muslim are those who love me too much, but they go to JAHANUM,

Mahdi Dream Assalam 3alykom, This was a very blurry dream with confusing images.

Pls explain context and details of hadith #4130,4131 (vol.16) of Sahih Muslim. “do u think a prophet could cut others hands, pierce their eyes, and let them die on a stone, for stealing some camel?”

What are the meanings of the following names? ,Abu Bakr,Umar,Usman,Ali What are the names of their wives?

What are the teachings in the four Madhahib that if a person eats a camel meat, he breaks his Ablution?

Muawiya and Ali … they fought. what was the problem?

A group of people were ordered by Prophet (peace be upon him) to drink the urine of Camel & later on killed and eyes taken out. Is that possible from a Prophet (peace be upon him)?

Who was Hazrat Sa’ad Al Ibn Abi Waqas and what was his fame?

Is it halal to enter the houses of Thamud?

Is it permissible to recite at a Muslim’s grave?