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Answers with Tag: burial

Reciting Verses from Surat al-Baqarah after Burying the Deceased

Guidelines on Preparing one’s Will & Testament Islamically

I had a question related to inheritance. My step-father passed away a month ago leaving behind my mother, his real daughter, his brother who is deceased and was from the same mother but different father, and another brother, again who is deceased from same mother but different father. I and my brother are his step children; my mother married my father and that is the daughter they have. As far as we are aware there are no other family connected with my father. Please advise on how his inheritance will be calculated.

What is the method of burial for a newborn baby?

Is Tāweez (Amulet) permissible?

Is it permissible to display the face of the deceased for public viewing?

Pearls of wisdom from our pious predecessors

Can I use Zakāt to pay off my mother’s loan?

Talqeen and azan to the deceased?

I have several questions about customs at the time of birth and death.

Please help me sort this thing out, so I could have a piece of mind; my mother peacefully passed away in April 1984, may Allah have Mercy on her soul. She left behind a

Shia do not consider Hazrat Abu Bakr as legitimate and right candidate for Khilafat. Because it is only Allah or the Prophet who can appoint a khalifa. they deny and condemn the election process. …

How does one distribute the father’s wealth, who leaves behind only a wife, four sons and a daughter. His parents are deceased.

My question is on Islamic inheritance based on the Hanafi Madhhab and is as follows: We have recently had a family tragedy, whereby my sister and her

A person dies who has not perfomed marriage.his father and mother have also expired a long time back.he has no brothers or sister on any relation from his father side such as uncles or aunts.