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Answers with Tag: bleeding

When can I start praying after irregular bleeding that lasted for 26 days?

Can you please answer the questions below with regards to fasting?

Unpaid Dowry (mahr) at the Time of Divorce

Can you provide me with some details concerning the punishment for committing adultery? Is it necessary to have a punishment for the sin to be forgiven?

Oral Sex: Is Ghusl Obligatory?

Rules Related to an Excused Person (ma’dhur)

I am confused about my monthly periods.

Is she is in her Hayd or in Istihada?

Things women cannot do in her menses

Is it permissible to practice give Botox injections, facial peels, dermabrasions. Mostly, its done for patients to look younger and good looks. How about for medical sickness?

Is it prohibited to have sexual intercourse on the day of Eid etc?

If one sleeps on a napaak bed which has dry semen or urine and he is paak ,would he have to make ghusul or taking a normal shower would be sufficient? When does one make ghusul?

If someone passes wind alot during salat, what can he do? or how many time can he perform ablution to get the whole reward for the congregational prayer?

I’m pregnant and spotted a little. Do I have to perform ghusl?

I have an issue with bleeding…1) Am I allowed to pray two prayers in their respective times with the same wudhu? 2) Can I wear khuffain with this condition and wipe over them when I need to make a new wudhu?