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Answers with Tag: beloved prophet

What is SeekersGuidance’s Input into the Fight for Women’s Rights?

The Intercession of the Prophet on the Day of Judgment

Health and Prophetic Counsel Regarding Beef and Milk Consumption

Weak Iman, Misgivings, and Loving the Messenger (Allah Bless Him and Give Him Peace)

How to Attain Presence of Heart in Prayer

Why can’t we choose rulings from different Imams if they are all correct?

Do I have to follow one Imam and also keep a beard?

Would it be permissable to go on a holiday?

What answer can be given to those who say: how keeping the beard to a fist length can be classified as the Sunnat while even the jews, hindus etc wear long beard? Please give a jami’ answer.

Permission for Multiple Wives

Question on Punishment for Adultery

  I have gone through the detailed article on the purposes, benefits and necessity of taqlid recently uploaded on your website. It was truly enlightening mashaAllah. I just request you to clarify one tiny confusion for me. While I understand that following one Madhhab in all matters is a way closer to taqwa, How can we relate the following hadith to it:  “Whenever the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was given the choice of one of two matters; he would choose the easier of the two as long as it was not sinful to do so.” (Bukhari & Muslim) So how can something that is the blessed sunnah of the beloved prophet; choosing ease, can be sinful for us?

Is Zakat due on shares in a housing scheme, RSP’s, RRSP’s, and stocks?

Hadith regarding good manners: “Join ties with the one who breaks them with you…”

What are Islamic teachings on in-laws and parents interfering in marriage?