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Answers with Tag: beloved prophet

Is it Permissible to Study in a Western Country?

What is the Minimum Amount of Relationship I Have to Keep with a Relative I Hate?

Is it Permissible to Economically or Mentally Abuse your Spouse?

Was any aayah revealed in Babylon?

Belief of Ahlus Sunnah on Parents of Rasulullah (SAW)

Loud zikr in congregation

Discussing secondary issues of Islam with a kaafir

Rejecting abrogated Surahs

Getting bay`at to a Maliki Shaykh.

Salam at Raudhah-e-Mubarak again and again in the same time, is it Bid’ah?

Recommended books in English

Muslims Denied Grave Stone Installation: Is it Justified?

Facebook’s Controversial History with Insulting Religious Figures

Ordering Pizza Online with Someone Else’s Card: A Valid Transaction?

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