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Answers with Tag: Baby

How to pray for a baby if alone in the house

Does birth or death negate sanctity of a place, even if body brought home from hospital?

Can we abort a pregnancy that is only 40-50 days into our marriage, despite taking precautions?

Can there be any dua or zikr done before giving birth or before delivery?

Is the marriage of the brother’s wife valid after two months and two talaqs?

Is it okay to keep the name Azan for a baby boy and Umme Kulsum for bay girl?

What are the issues with wife, separation and guardianship of children?

Prophet/Sahabiyat names for baby & meaning of Luhaidan & Jaza in Arabic?

What is the significance of a dua for nazar on bottle milk?

Can I name my baby Muawiz, born 17 Nov 2013? What does it mean and how is it spelled?

Aqiqah & Name for my Son Noman Akhtar, Dividing Meat in Three Parts

Can a woman remarry immediately after a year of 3 Talaq or must she complete her iddah?

Can you suggest a name from the Quran for my newborn born on 28 August 2013 at 9:20 pm?

Baby’s vomit on clothes/body: Halal or Haram? How to purify?

Is “Mohammed Yaqoob Zayd” a good name with positive meaning?