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Answers with Tag: Argument

Is it permissible to consume and sell e cigarettes?

Imam John Yahya Ederer’s article about the permissibility of music

Adopting the husband’s last name

I gave divorce while I was angry. Does this constitute a divorce?

Renting a mortgaged property

Converts to Islām

Uncertain of intention in divorce

Kitaab Reading after Salah

Should we slaughter a pregnant cow if we cannot afford another animal?

Was the fake nikkah turned into a valid nikkah and is the divorce given by the nephew valid?

Are these three talaaqs valid if they were said in anger during arguments?

My husband does not show care for his immediate family. Please advise me.

Assalamo Alaikum I am 30 and married for one year. I need to know if I am committing a sin by asking my wife not to stay at her parents house. I never have said that she should not meet them but I only ask her not to stay and let me be in command for when to go as I have to see other factors as well. The maximum time she has been away from her parents is 28 days in the past whole year. We always have argument after she comes back and she accuses me that i consider her a slave by not letting her to stay at their parents. 

Questions About Nabi (S.A.W.)

Advice to Imaams of Masaajid