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Answers with Tag: Argument

Husband saying: ‘I swear to Allah, we will be divorced’

Taking one’s wife back after a talaaq-e-baain

Can Going Against My Warning Invalidate Our Marriage?

Dealing with a Difficult First Wife in a Polygamous Marriage

My Overreacted Text Argument with My Husband Led to Divorce: My Regret and Repentance

Zihar Dilemma: Accidentally Uttering ‘Mother’ During Argument with Wife

What Is the status of FNB Islamic Finance? permissible or impermissible?

Does khula’ take place without the acceptance of the husband?

Answer to objection 2: “Fact or fiction”

Why is Homosexuality prohibited?

Fact or Fiction; Analysing the idea of the universe being created in 6 days

Tafweedh, Wife then says: ‘I divorce you’

Can i download a cracked pirated software copy for personal use?

Why are we forced into existence & what is the purpose of creation?

Islam By Force!