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Answers with Tag: Adhan

Is it permissible to pray in a Masjid that is farther than your local Masjid because its Imam follows your Madhab?

The name ” AMAN ABDULLAH “

Is the fast invalidated in the following scenarios?

Can we discharge Zakaat at a later time? What are the rewards of discharging Zakaat during Ramadhan?

Responding to the Azaan

Replying to the Azaan

Azaan Etiquette: Masnoon Dua’s, Standing, Tahiyatul Masjid, and More

Pulling the alif in Azaan

Respect for the Azaan

Can an Azaan clock be a substitute for a Muazzin?

Du’a or Azaan: Which Takes Priority?

Breaking one’s fast after sunset

Performing Fajar Salaah before Azaan

Speaking at the time of azaan

Reciting Qur’an while the Azaan is being called out