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Answers with Tag: Adab

How do I perform ghusl? When is it obligatory?

The name ‘Muhammad’

Wearing pardah/ niqaab in madina during salaam

Covering food at night

The narrator; Thumamah ibn ‘Uqbah

Cities in the Hereafter reserved for those who fast in Rajab?

Is it okay to backbite people of other faiths? (Hanbali Fiqh)

Please tell me all the proofs for wiping the neck in wudhu.

Islamic Education at Darul Uloom.

Imams accepting weak ahadith.

Dua after recitation of Quran.


How is the following hadith explain?

Protection Against Boguz, Keena And Hasad

Can a person in Aitikaf bathe & talk in other parts of the masjid? What rules should be followed?