Home » Posts tagged 'Abu Dawud' (Page 35)

Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

Is a semen analysis permissible

Is it obligatory for the wife to serve her husband

Contraception for married couples who are at a distant land

Virtues of Hijamah and can one force it upon anyone

Can a non-scholar interpret the Holy Qur’an

Visiting the Dargah in Sylhet and performing two rakah nafl Salah

Donor paying zakat for student’s university fees

Doing something without having knowledge of it

Is it Kufr to assist the disbelievers against the Believers?

Zakah on a Joint Account

Is Hair Removal for Men and Women Permitted?

Ghusl – Ritual Bath

Gifting Rewards of Deeds to Someone Alive or Deceased and Visiting the Cemetery

Ritual Sacrifice (Udhiyyah/ Qurbani) on Behalf of the Deceased

The Fiqh of Signatures, Logos and Seals