Home » Posts tagged 'Abu Dawud' (Page 33)

Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

Doubts regarding Hurmat Musaharah after watching pornographic film

Can I pray behind someone who celebrates Milad Un Nabi?

Which of these names is appropriate for my babygirl?

If a man says I am a jew

Best techniques of memorizing and learning the Quran

If a husband doesn’t want to give talaq then what can a wife do in Islam

Can we fast on Fridays and Saturdays

Can I divorce my pregnant wife

Asking for a talaq

Waking in Wetness

Inheritance and bequests for a non-believer from a Muslims estate

If period started just before the husband was climaxing

Can we pray behind the following Imam

Can the wife keep her jewellery with her parents against the wishes of the husband

Speaking with non mahram relatives