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Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

When I was about 9 years old or so my nose broke. It was painful and it began to swell. I remember in 4th grade there was an infection on the top of my nose. …So, is it sinful to just undergo surgery basically only to fix the broken nose that happened a long time ago?

I have stumbled across the some errors of our Maulana. Can you please confirm that these indeed are errors or is there a reasonable explanation.

If a person carries out the fundaentals of islam, lives his life according to the shariah and practices the sunans of the prophet s.a.w.,however his dressing is like the non muslims…

I want to ask that can anyone else can be born withthe same appearance which our nabi saw had….can u give me a list of all haram actions and deeds not allowed in islam,all.?

1. please elaborate on hadis that says “what belongs to the son, belongs to the father.” ..2.in light to the above, what rights has a mother haver over her son’s wealth….

 1)      My sister asked me is yoga permissible in Islam? 2)      Do dreams before fajar mean anything and if the same dream is repeated twice does that mean that it would come true if the dream happen 3 times?  3)     Finally can I give reward to another person? for example when I pray yarseen I give that reward to another person.

I want to know is it permissible to check about what ur husband doing like checking about history in net,or checking messages ofmobile ,with the intention to stop if he sees porn,,

Salaah is fardh on every adult, sane muslim, similarly learning the masaail related to salah viz a viz ghusul, wudu, tayamum and knowing the direction of qibla and….

Recite the last three chapters of the Holy Qur’an (Surah Ikhlas, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah an-Nas) THREE TIMES after Fajr and Maghrib and ONCE after Dhur, Asr, and isha…..

Is there any report from Nabi (saw), Sahaba, or Tabiin that a woman must fold their hands on the bossom and not bend completely into ruku?

I have been happily married for the last 10 years and we have 3 lovely children. Last week my wife said if I eat a certain type of chocolate our marraige is over (I am on a diet).

IF someone has an illness and due to avoid passing heridetary illness to new borns, avoids to having any children….

I am newly married. I want to know how should love be increased between spouses and with what intentions should we ove each other….Also i want to know that we should not look at each others private parts if we wish to take bath together.

I am getting scared dreams now a days ? related to my husband?like loosing him forever? like loosing my teeth completly?

What is the definitive age of accountability?