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Zakat on Land

Zakat on Shares Owned in a Business

Can One Give Zakat for Dawah Purposes?

Divorce After Being Diagnosed OCD

How To Calculate the Nisab of Gold and Silver Together?

If Someone Says Take 3 to His Wife

Zakat on Rented House

Can I Wear a Silver Ring Which Is Similar to Rasulallah (S.A.W) Ring?

Is Niqab Mandatory for Women To Wear?

Is It Only Recommended To Recite Dua Qunut in the Witr Prayer?

Is Shaving the Head of a Newborn Girl Also Sunnah? Or Just Boys?

Is the Following Hadith Applicable to Nafl Fasting?

What Would Be the Ruling of Selling to Someone Who Does Dropshipping and Delivering the Item to His Customer?

Is It Permissible To Write Duas, Names etc on a Paper in Front of the Ka’abah and Take a Picture?

If Somebody Completely Forgot To Do the Fardh Ghusl