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Offering Fajr Sunnah When Jamaah Has Started

Beginning of Fajr Time

Dissolution of Marriage if Husband Refuses to Have Children

Covering Head in Prayer

1- If the payments of the credit card bills are made to the Credit Card company on due date, whether its use for buying will be Halal or not? 2- If the payment is some times delayed and made with additional charges, what will be the Hukm? 3- If some one draws some cash from the Cash Machines against the limit he has been assigned by the credit card company, whether the use of this cash amount will be Halal? Abdul Rehman (Muhtamim Ma’had Al-Faqeer Al-Islami Pakistan)

Placing Conditions for Marriage

Can you please explain the Islamic injunctions about “copyright”, especially about the copyright on computer software? The questions are: (i) Can we register a book under the Copyright Act which bars the people from publishing that book without permission of the copyright holder? (ii) If something is registered under the law of copyright, should we abide by the restrictions imposed by that law? (iii) Can a copyright holder sell his right of publishing to another person for a monetary gain?

Children’s Names

Central Bank Employment

Can we brush our teeth while fasting?

Beard Length: Is it a Hanafi or Deobandi Issue?

Facing Opposition from Family and Friends on Beard

Consulting for a Bank

Eating At a Bank Employee’s Home

There are media reports of a new Al Azhar declaration on Interest. This poses a serious dilemma for us in the West and your guidance is needed as to how we should deal with it. [Abdul Hai Patel]