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Being in a State of Major Ritual Impurity: Does it Invalidate My Fast?

At What Time Should I Recite Supplications Recommended for the Morning and Evening?

Are You Considered a Martyr If You Die In An Earthquake Or a Flood?

Are We Allowed to Visit Madina First When Making Umra?

Are There Valid Reasons to Reveal Sins?

Are There Times When Marriage Is Prohibited?

Are Muslims With Anthropomorphic Beliefs Considered Disbelievers?

Alcoholic Content in Soft Drinks

A Beautician With Non-Hijab Clients: Am I Accountable When They Go Out Uncovered?

Can One Lie About Past Sins?

Question: There is a narration about a man named Fudhala who after planning to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him) with a dagger was overcome by the Prophet’s compassion and became a Muslim. Could I please know the book of Hadith this hadith is from? Could I please get an exact citation of this hadith?

Question: I am aware that one is closest to Allah during prostration within prayer. I believe it is strongly recommended to supplicate to Allah at this time and though it is preferred to make supplication in Arabic, supplicating in English is permitted as well. Can you confirm this?

Question: Can you please clarify what the position is regarding standing at funerals.

Question: There was a recent post stating that women who are pregnant must make up their fast. This differs greatly from something that I’d read in another book. I am confused and would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Question: Regarding the Quran, are there any explicit sayings from the Quran itself, hadith, or scholars regarding placing it on the floor or low places?