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Loans And Zakat: How Do We Calculate?     

Paying £500 deposit or taking out insurance for a rented car

Medical Practitioners & the issue of seclusion with opposite gender…

If one is fasting and perfumes oneself and accidentally inhales some of the perfume, will it br

All conditions of slaughtering must be met in order for the animal to be rendered lawful

If a man dies, is his wife allowed to see him before burial?

Partnership and taking out an interest based loan

Buying Cars at Auctions 

If you have a mortgage, do you have to pay zakat?

Music and Singing: A Detailed Fatwa

Home Equity Loans: Permissible when the creditors have an ownership in the property proportiona

Prayer at adhan time and leaving the masjid after the adhan

Is it permissible to wear the Liverpool football club jersey, as it has the Carlsberg logo as i

Is it permissible to work as a clinical molecular geneticist if it entails testing for Fragile

Machine-slaughtered Meat