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If a married man goes to a prostitute for a masturbation, is it equivalent to prostitution? How can a person should ask for forgiveness in that case?

Question regarding leasing Agriculture land…Can I simply give him the land on pre-agreed terms.

What should be done during witr and qiyam ul lail prayers during ramadhan in Makkah and Madinah?

Even though I am better-off, more literate over my wife and of high noble lineage then on what grounds can some1 pass fatwa based on Kufwu

Are we restricted to choosing names with only good Muslim meanings or can we also accept a general good meaning, like for example in the English or Malay languages?

I just wanted to ask if being muslims are we allowed to be on a jury in the courtroom?

What are the rules concerning rodents as pets (rabbits, hamsters, cavies, mice, rats)?

Who has the preference to lead Salaat, a person who knows little Qur’an but has a small beard, or one with no beard but knows a lot more Qur’an?

Is my (mamoo) mother’s brother considered a mehrem for my wife, and is there and source of kissing the hands of the elderly people in Islam?

Regarding the meat of aqeeqah what r the orders, should it be distributed among relatives or thepoor, is there any shae between poor and relatives.

Is it allowed to sell any kind of clothing to non-muslim women? As they will wear it outside without Hijab. Please advise.

Can a boy and girl still marry if they have sucked , kissed and see each other nude without nikkah

Helping in haram permitted

I would like to know if I sell make-up, cosmetics and perfumery items of some European brand to my female colleagues at work and friends with a commission from this company

If some Qadiani says that he has embraced Islam and is no more Qadiani, how should it be verified.