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Is There Consensus Regarding The Superiority of Abu Bakr?

Is It Permissible to Make Tawassul Through Awliya (Saints)?

Invocations To Bear Children

Fasting the Day of Mi`raj

Differentiating Between Legitimate Questions and Satanic Whispers

Are `Isa And Yahya (Allah be well please with them) Considered Cousins In Islam?

Question: There is a narration about a man named Fudhala who after planning to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him) with a dagger was overcome by the Prophet’s compassion and became a Muslim. Could I please know the book of Hadith this hadith is from? Could I please get an exact citation of this hadith?

Question: I have read the evidences provided by yourselves for tawassul via the Prophet (sallaallahu alayhi wassalam). I have not, however, seen any evidence for intercession via saints …is there any such evidence and if not, then how can we say that this is permissible?

Follower Reciting Al-Fatiha in the Shafi’i School