What is zulfa cut? Is there 3 different types? How do you grow it, does all the hairs have to be combed back? Does the hair at the front of the head be grown until they reach all the way to the back? Do you have to put oil in your hair?
The three different types of haircut that Rasulullah sallallahu alyhi wasallam used to have (which we call zulfa) was in reality just one, but at different stages. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam’s original haircut would reach until halfway down the ears, which is known as “wafrah”. If left uncut, then the hair would grow until it reached the earlobes, which is known as “limmah”. If Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was extremely busy, then the hair would be left until it touched the shoulders, which is known as “jummah”, though the hair would not be left to grow past this stage. It is sunnah to comb the hair with a parting in the middle, as is oiling the hair – and decency dictates that we do the same, otherwise the hair would look untidy, making a mockery out of the sunnah and depriving one of the desired reward of following the sunnah.