Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam
Question: I find myself in a dilemma these days. I like a Muslim man who is kind and respectful. He proposed but my parents aren’t letting us get married due to age and not being established yet.
Someone told me that reciting surah Yaseen in a special way (a certain number of days, stopping and starting at the word mubeen,etc.) can help to make our parents meet to talk about us getting married.
Is there a basis for reciting in this way to fulfill a need?
Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,
I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah.
The best supplications are those made from a focused heart, and out of sincerity, love, contentment.
Supplications are answered in one of three ways: [a] by getting the thing you asked for, [b] by the aversion of a calamity that would have befallen you, or [c] by being saved up for the Hereafter as a gift of reward. And remember that getting a response is a Divine promise.
Parents can be convinced. But you should make absolutely sure that he is a suitable spouse– such that he knows what it means to be a husband, he is compatible with you, and shares the same outlook as you. I’d highly recommend taking this class here at SeekersGuidance:
Islamic Marriage: Guidance for Successful Marriage and Married Life
See: Struggling to Have Children: Ten Key Etiquettes of Du’a
And Allah alone gives success.
Tabraze Azam