I’m in big problem regarding some talaq conditions. Once my wife left my house without my permission and went to my uncle’s house. I called her come back but she refused. Then I went to my uncle’s house and asked her to come to house. During the conversation I said being my wife you can’t stay here. come to the house or tell me if you want to go anywhere else and I’ll take you there. But you can’t stay here. I was saying all these to persuade her without the intention of ending the marriage. She still refused saying that my dad asked me to stay here. I tried to convince her more but then I said one talaq. Then I said now stay, you’re so stubborn. Then I left that house and she spent the night over that house (my uncle’s house). Now my question is how many talaq will be in this situation. would there be any conditional talaq because of me saying being my wife you can’t stay in this wife. Please give me a clear explanation.
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