Q: I am a Muslim woman and I would like to know in Islam if a father hits his daughter who is married without valid reason and my husband tells him to stop with respect and he then hits my husband and uses excessive vulgar languages in the open public.
I, the daughter have held my dads clothes to stop him from going to hit my husband but he continued to slap me wildly infront of many people.
He does not like my husband because my husband is not well to do and is very simple and calm . He has a quite nature and never argues with my parents from the time I have been married . On a daily basis my father insults him tries to put him down infront of other people uses languages to him infront of me all because in life my dad out of his own will had paid for my hospital bills. But that was on his own will as my husband could not afford it and I have agreed that he couldn’t afford a private hospital rather government which I was very happy to go to.
He insults my husbands parents and put them to value infront of many people . He shows off to people what my husbands parents position is and disgraces them all the time .
My father is very nice but his attitude and pride of money is very bad . If he pays anything out of his own will for me or my children he will insult and tell the public he paid for that and he says it in such a way that makes my husband down in the public eye.
I am a very blessed woman to have such a great husband . Allah has given me the best man as my partner and I dislike when I see him getting insulted . I cannot take it anymore and I do not know what to do . The only thing I have asked my father is to guide my husband in business but my father rules his life and wants to fight for everything.
A: Respect him and keep a little distance from him.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)