In order to bring awareness for the jobs can we subscribe Rozgar Samachar (a weekly job magazine specially containing government jobs) to the Masjid. It is not necessarily to be placed inside Masjid however we can place it near the wudhuKhana, or washroom or staircase in almirah or any other suitable place as suggested.
(Fatwa: 399/217/H=1433)
It is not lawful to place the Rozgar Samachar in the outer part of the mosque i.e. (wudhu khana, taharat khana, almirah etc). It is feared that it may cause disrespect and desecration of mosque. Yes it is allowable if you arrange it in any other separate place other than the mosque.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband