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Cutting Nails in Ten Days of Zul Hijjah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by CouncilofUlama.co.za

Q: When I came know we can’t cut nails and hairs during 10 days of Dhil Haj; at that time my nails were already grown. Now it’s looking very bad. What shall I do now? Can I cut or not?

A: It is mustahab (good) for a person intending to do qurbaani not to remove any hair or nails from his body. However if he feel he does want to remove there is no sin to remove.

And Allah knows best

Aadiel Moosagie (Mufti)
Council of Ulama Eastern Cape
+27 83 982 6968
[email protected]

This answer was collected from CouncilofUlama.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Council of Ulama Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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