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Father made me join his business, but does not take me seriously. I get blamed if anything goes wrong.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I did degree in IT. Worked in the IT industry for 4 years. Father asked me to join, so I thought as we should look after parents, I joined his business which is an international clothes manucturer. I have been in it for 1 year. I do like the industry, and my father does not take me seriously. I get blamed if anything goes wrong.


Jazakallah for the question you have submitted to the institute. You say that your father made you join the business. Well, you joined him and it appears you are enjoying the trade.

Seeing that you are having problems in the area of communication with your father, I would like to ask what you have done to address these problems? You are an adult and working with your father, it is important that you should make yourself heard. You obviously have a stake in the business and since you find that there are areas of conflict, you need to sort them out as soon as possible. You obviously love and respect your father but that does not mean you should not ask him for more clarification on issues which concern your work. It is only when you iron out your difficulties that more understanding will develop between you two.

I somehow do not understand what you mean when you say that your father does not take you seriously. Again, if you find that there are gaps in his knowledge of how you are going about your role in the business he is not are not pleased with your performance, then discuss it with him. You may both find that there are reasons for this difference which can be overcome easily only if you sit down and talk about it.

Insha’allah, you will be able to develop effective channels of communication with your father. Ameen.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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