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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Islamic phone screensavers allowed?

How to Perform Sajda When the Namaz is Performed on the Chair Due to Joint Pain

Can I perform Zohar namaaz after 3:10?

What is the best book to learn about Islam?

Where should we focus our eyes while Takbeer-e-Tereema?

Do non-Muslim airlines, restaurants, and conferences provide halal-certified food?

Is seeking Allah’s mercy through the wasilah of auliya necessary?

Dear Sheikh! Is it permissible to pray Ishraq Salah at home?

Can you borrow from brother for Hajj with wife, repay in installments In-shaAllah?

Can a traveler be a Imam and lead Fardh 4 Rakahs?

What is the meaning of a dream involving a marriage and death or killing?

What are the most effective treatments for Psoriasis?

Can we name our son Jibreel Mohammad?

Can Ibrahim’s theft and other sins be forgiven if he repents and reverts to Islam?

What are the conditions for validity of jumuah prayers in a college campus?