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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Swallowing food stuck between the teeth whilst fasting

Would the fast break if piles come out with stool

Would passionate kissing result in Kaffarah of the Fast

Donating for the construction of a Masjid which will be managed by Berelwis

Missing Sunnat Muakkadah

Would the son be obliged to pay for his father’s Mahr if he passed away without paying it

Swallowing saliva mixed with blood

Would inserting medicine in a wound break the fast

Can a Muslim woman study in a foreign country if she is accompanied by a Mahram

Doubts on whether the carpet is pure or impure

Virtues of Surah Waqiah

Using medicine containing alcohol to avoid hair fall

Would it be permissible to pray with pictures which is covered with a headscarf

Swallowing food stuck between the teeth in Salah

Doing something without having knowledge of it