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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Should I propose or not?

Salah without ghusl after masturbating

I didn’t perform ghusl after masturbating; are my fasts accepted?

A difficult marriage situation

Can I cut my unwanted hairs and nails on 5th of Dhul Hajj before going for Hajj.

Keeping trousers above ankles

Why is it Haraam to say “Ya Muhammad”?

Is there any House Financing Product?

Question on fixing a higher percentage ratio in a partnership

There are two persons that want to start a business. One of them is going to invest in the business and the other is just going to look after the business. Could you kindly give me the options that they may use and how will the profits be shared?

How do I propose?

Should the beard hair that extends towards the neck be washed during Wudhu?

If a person travels with the intention of committing Haram, will the rulings of safar (travelling) be applicable to him?

When is the correct time to make Qurbani?

Is it permissible to send money to poorer countries and have Qurbani done on your behalf in that country?