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Monthly Archives: July 2012

How did Rasoolulullah (SAW) and the Sahabah carry out wedding festivals (i.e. Waleemah)?

Why is the name Nisa a name with a derogative meaning?

Are we restricted to choosing names with only good Muslim meanings or can we also accept a general good meaning, like for example in the English or Malay languages?

There is fear of damage and fire in the coming elections here. Is fire insurance allowed thus?

May i become Pilot or Heart Physician?

Is permissible to keep monkeys as pets

1. Musa (AS), Isa (AS), Adam (AS), all have died. They are alive in their graves.

Is it permissible to trade in warrants and futures?

I bought a USB memory stick, which I had left in my pant pocket and my wife accidenlty put those pants in the washing machine. Can I return/exchange it since the store has a 30-day return policy?

Did Rasoolullah s.a.w.s. ever pray 4 Rakaats together with a single Salaam outside of Fardh Salaat? Kindly quote any Hadiths that mentions this.

Are we suppose distribute everything OR distribute all other money except the house since our father gave us during his life law of inheritance does not apply to the transaction during the life.

Islam order us to take Ghusal as soon as u can after intercourse but tell me is this order also for male or only for women?

1) What is the difference between chocolate liquor and chocolate liqueur? Are they both haraam?

Are we allowed to trim our sideburns if it is too curly and looks really bad because it gets really curly as long as we don’t trim our beard itself?

I am planning to give my soon-to-be-born baby girl a name – Zareen Sofea. May I know what it means. Also, does “Zarith” mean anything in Islam/Arabic?