Home » Hanafi Fiqh » TheMufti.com (Page 22)

Answers indexed from: TheMufti.com

Can an accountant apply for bank loans on behalf of his client?

Can an exercise room be built adjacent to a Masjid?

Wishing non-Muslims with Merry Christmas and attending Christmas functions

Witnessing the consent of the bride at the time of marriage

Working as a security guard for a supermarket selling alcohol and pork

Working as an estate agent

Working with an audiologist

Zakaat on breeding chickens 

Zakaat on pension funds

Can a woman in menses (Haidh) fast during Ramadaan and then make it up (make Qadha) of it after Ramadaan? 

Can a woman perform Janaazah Salaah in the Haram behind the Imaam?

Can a woman wear fake eyelashes?

Who should prepare food for the deceased’s (Mayyits) family?

Who’s right is it to stipulate the Mahr amount at the time of Nikah?

Whose responsibility is it to financially provide for a divorced woman?